
Month: March 2020

Sourdough Bread Leaven – This Step is a Must!

By: Mary Stage | 0 Comments | | Category: Sourdough Bread | Tags : ,

All credits go to Cindy Ward Go back to Day 7 of Cindy’s Sourdough Starter directions SOURDOUGH BREAD LEAVEN If you are following along with my Sourdough series, it’s time to make the leaven for tomorrow’s loaves. It’s very easy and will take 5 minutes. You will need: 1 Tbs ... more

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Dressed or Deviled Eggs?

By: Mary Stage | 0 Comments | | Category: Uncategorized | Tags :

Deviled or dressed egg on a plate

Have you ever heard a deviled egg referred to as a “dressed egg”? I am interested to hear in the comments below what you call them and why. Now, what makes it deviled? My great grandmother always told me if it had mustard in it, it was considered deviled. I ... more

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Granite or Formica counter tops?

By: Appalachian Cooks | 0 Comments | | Category: Uncategorized

I want to prupose this question to everyone reading this. I purchased a house out of necessity and it has Formica counter tops in it. Now looking at my home and how much time I spend in the kitchen I am thinking about upgrading to GRANITE counter tops. I am ... more

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Sourdough Bread Starter Day 7 by Cindy Ward

By: Mary Stage | 0 Comments | | Category: Sourdough Bread | Tags : ,

All credits go to Cindy Ward Go back to Day 6 of Cindy’s Sourdough Starter directions Sourdough Starter – Day 7 If all has gone well for all of us, we have reached the last day of daily feeding of our sourdough starter! By the end of today your starter ... more

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Cornbread 101

By: Mary Stage | 2 Comments | | Category: Uncategorized | Tags :

Cornbread differences

Did you know that using different ingredients in cornbread will give you different results in the finished product? Many cooks think that you can substitute oil for butter or shortening for margarine but this image shows the differences if you choose to do so. So if your cornbread is not ... more

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Sourdough Bread Starter Day 6 by Cindy Ward

By: Mary Stage | 0 Comments | | Category: Sourdough Bread | Tags : ,

All Credits go to Cindy Ward Go back to Day 5 of Cindy’s Sourdough Bread Starter directions Sourdough Starter – Day 6 It’s supposed to be 60 degrees and no rain today so even though it’s Monday, it’s gonna be a beautiful day! We have today and tomorrow and then, ... more

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Sourdough Bread Starter Day 5 by Cindy Ward

By: Mary Stage | 0 Comments | | Category: Sourdough Bread | Tags : ,

All credits go to Cindy Ward Go Back to Day 4 of Cindy’s Sourdough Starter directions here. Sourdough Starter – Day 5 Day 5 and I have hooch on top of mine again. Stirred the hooch back in and ready for today’s feeding. Stick with me…3 more days! Day 6 ... more

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Perfect Cooked Bacon

By: Mary Stage | 1 Comment | | Category: Uncategorized | Tags :

What is your favorite or perfect bacon number? Let us know in the comments! I like mine between a 3 and 4 but I was raised on burnt bacon so I won’t turn down a 5 or even a 6. How about you? Need help keeping your bacon flat while ... more

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Sourdough Bread Starter Day 4 by Cindy Ward

By: Mary Stage | 0 Comments | | Category: Sourdough Bread | Tags : ,

All Credits go to Cindy Ward Go Back to Day 3 Sourdough Starter directions Sourdough Starter – Day 4 Day 4 and I have hooch on top of mine again and a definite more pronounced sourdough aroma today. Stirred the hooch back in and ready for today’s feeding. Stick with ... more

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Sourdough Pancakes by Cindy Ward

By: Mary Stage | 0 Comments | | Category: breakfast, Sourdough Bread | Tags : ,

All Credits go to Cindy Ward Sourdough Pancakes For those following my Sourdough Starter posts, this is a pancake/waffle recipe to use your starter discard. The night before you plan to make pancakes/waffles (or in the morning if you plan to have them for dinner): Overnight Sponge 2 cups unbleached ... more

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