
Cracker Cookies

  • Yield: 40
  • Servings: 20
  • Ready In: 20m
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Cracker Cookies:

40 Saltines

1 cup sugar

1 cup melted butter

1 package chocolate chips (can use milk or dark depending on preference)

Nuts are optional.

Heat oven to 350 degrees. Mix sugar and melted butter. Pour over saltines in single layer in shallow pan. Bake about 10 minutes until light brown and bubbling. Remove from oven. Spread 1 package of chocolate chips melted (11 and half ounce package). If using nuts sprinkle over melted chocolate chips. Cool. Usually does not last long after cooling.

Can use different flavored chips if you like. Peanut butter or butterscotch works. You can use brown sugar instead of white and type of flavor you want. Nuts are your preference and if you want to make it a little fancy use club crackers and a pecan half on top.


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