
Homemade Vanilla is Easy to Make

By : | 0 Comments | On : January 14, 2022 | Category : Appalachian Favorites, Economical

Appalachian Cooks member Jerry H. was kind enough to submit this recipe for homemade vanilla.

He has a great story about how he goes about picking out the bottles he gifts this in.

Last Christmas I made a large amount of homemade vanilla (started in about October, so it would be good and strong). then I scoured antique shops, thrift shops and garage sales for small, unique bottles in which to store it. I gave everyone on my Christmas list a small bottle of vanilla along with their gift.

Jerry H.

How to Make the Homemade Vanilla

  • It is extremely simple to make.
  • Just buy vanilla beans (the most expensive part – If you buy them at the grocery store. I bought mine at a store that sells spices, extracts and health food. you can also buy them online).
  • You’ll need about 10 beans for each quart of vanilla.
  • Split the beans lengthwise and drop 10 of them into a 1 liter (about a quart) bottle of bourbon or vodka (cheap kind will do).
  • Put it away in a dark place (I put mine in a little-used closet) and let stand for about 2-3 months.
  • Voila! Vanilla!

30 Premium Dry Vanilla Beans- This is the best deal we have found yet.

We found the ones above on Amazon through our affiliate link. If you make a purchase through one of our links, Amazon will give us a few cents of each sale. It all adds up as much as everyone shops online these days. The best part is, it doesn’t cost you anymore. Thanks for supporting us!

What to Make the Vanilla in

If you can find an amber bottle or dark jar that will hold a liter of alcohol and your ten vanilla beans that is best. If you are using a clear glass jar, you will need to make sure you keep it in the dark while it is making. Under the cabinet in a place you don’t open the door often is optimal.

Recipes to Use the Homemade Vanilla in

Coonhunter’s Cake

Appalachian Brown Sugar Crunch Cake

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