
Sourdough Bread Starter Day 6 by Cindy Ward

By : | 0 Comments | On : March 8, 2020 | Category : Sourdough Bread

All Credits go to Cindy Ward

cindy ward photo

Go back to Day 5 of Cindy’s Sourdough Bread Starter directions

Sourdough Starter – Day 6

It’s supposed to be 60 degrees and no rain today so even though it’s Monday, it’s gonna be a beautiful day! We have today and tomorrow and then, if all has went well, we will have a sourdough starter ready to make bread!

Day 6 Instructions

The only thing we are changing up is we are gonna do 2 feedings instead of 1. Do your usual (stir starter, pour off half, add 1 cup flour and 1 cup water, stir well, cover) at your usual time…and 12 hours later do it again.

Go to Day 7 of Cindy’s Sourdough Bread Starter directions

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