
Lacy Oatmeal Wafers

  • Servings: 30
  • Prep Time: 15m
  • Cook Time: 6m
  • Ready In: 21m
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You can use parchment paper or foil instead of greasing a cookie sheet.


  • 1/2 cup butter
  • 1/4 cup flour
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 3/4 cup quick cooking oatmeal
  • 2 tablespoons of light cream


Step 1

Melt: 1/2 cup butter in medium size saucepan.

Step 2

Add: 1/4 cup flour, cup sugar, 3/4 cup quick cooking oatmeal and 2 tablespoons light cream.

Step 3

Cook on top of stove stirring constantly until mixture starts to bubble.

Step 4

Remove from heat and stir briskly a few strokes.

Step 5

Drop: by rounded teaspoon about 4 inches apart (Give them plenty of room away from each other because they spread out considerably.) on a well greased and lightly floured baking sheet.

Step 6

Bake: in a moderate oven (375) for 5 or 6 minutes until golden brown. Remove them from cookie sheet immediately. While they are still hot, they are very moldable.


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